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About The Trip

Rick Barry visits RTC!

rosalimskya August 9, 2021

Monday started off with an inspiring Rosh Chodesh davening, followed by a bagel breakfast. Madrichim gave chaburahs followed by shiurim from Rabbi Hoenig and Rabbi Wiener. After a yummy lunch with cheese quesadillas the boys had a chance to hear from and meet NBA legend Rick Barry. He spoke to the campers about hard work, determination, and accomplishing anything you set your mind to. He then ran a basketball clinic where he demonstrated his famous ‘underhand free throw’ technique. We even had an underhand free throw competition where Yonatan Naggar and Dani Grinfield were crowned as champions. After that there were intense games of wiffleball and volleyball followed by Mincha, Maariv, and dinner with hamburgers, hot dogs, and French fries. To cap off the night we had basketball leagues along with a nice bonfire kumtitz!